As WormCycle evolves to larger things, we want all you loyal subscribers and customers to know that we’re still here for you. We haven’t forgotten that you are the ones who helped WormCycle get off the ground. Whether you just want to keep your garden looking its best, or you’re trying to do your part to keep kitchen scraps out of the landfills, you’re not too small for us. We’re still a resource for any issues or questions you may have.
It just so happens that our good friend Steve Churchill over at Urban Worm Company put out a really good blog and video. He gets into some of the common problems and frustrations that newcomers to the world of worms sometimes face. He also finds at way to talk about soups, salads, anchovies and cats. Personally I think the guy’s a genius, but that may say more about me that him. Anyway….head on over to his site and see for yourself.